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Slice of Teaching #1

This is my second year participating in the Slice of Life blogging challenge, and I’m putting a little extra twist on my writing this year. Though I’ll still dip into my life for ideas if I get stuck, I’d love for this to be a slice of my teaching life. I get misty-eyed looking back at memories from years past and hope this gives a peek into the classroom life for those outside of it!

I overhear the best conversations as a high school English teacher. Today’s topic in senior literature: jobs.

“You’re applying to UPS?”

“Man, you don’t have what it takes to work at UPS.”

“You don’t even understand what it takes to work at UPS.”

Indignation and sputtering ensued.

“I’m strong! I work out! I can handle it!”

The elder senior at the table shook his head sagely.

“No, man. You don’t get it. UPS…UPS is the gulag.”*

This time, the sputtering came from behind the teacher’s desk, as I tried (failed) to not spit out my coffee.

“The gulag?! B., what do you know about the gulag?”

He turned his wise gaze on me and did not blink.

“I know some things. That’s all I can say.”

What is there to say back to that? I had to laugh, reassure the miffed job-seeker that he could handle whatever position he applied for, and jot down on my planner gulag??

My job is the best.


*UPS is definitely not this. Tough, yes! But I don’t expect to run into Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn slinging packages or anything.

Published inTOYWriting Challenges


  1. Lisa Vahey

    I am going to love “listening in” your classroom conversations. It takes a special person to love high schoolers and their “indignation and sputtering” (about SO VERY MUCH!). You will never run out of ideas!

    • mellyteaches

      They are my favorite people! There’s just so much going on in their lives — it’s a joy to be able to eavesdrop and hear how they’re navigating the million decisions they have to make. I could probably write an entire month’s worth of “hilarious/insightful/just interesting things my kids say.”

  2. Anonymous

    Tracy here, 3rd time may be a charm! Think I figured it out. 🙂

    Just wanted to say this gave me a giggle and that I am looking forward to all of the little peeks into your classroom

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