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Slice of Teaching #7

I made it a whole week!…by just over two hours before the deadline, but still. Especially in a busy year and on an eventful day, I’m going to celebrate the victories.

Some big education news broke today in my state: new revisions to the state accreditation program, and new scores for districts that are very different from what they were previously. There are going to be a lot of meetings, reactions, conversations in the coming weeks.

I am intentionally choosing to sit with the news for now. I am listening. I am researching. I am considering what my responsibilities are as a spokesperson for education: for teachers and for the families and communities we serve.

I am pushing myself to do what we ask our students to do all the time: get comfortable with being uncomfortable.

Being uncomfortable sucks!–but I hope I earn some deeper knowledge from it. That way, when it is finally time to speak, I know exactly what I need to say.

Published inTOYWriting Challenges


  1. Sarah V

    I’m having many of the same thoughts…what do these numbers mean? What do we want them to mean? Are they really a reflection of what we value, or are there different numbers to sit with, too? What story are these numbers poised to tell—and what’s missing from that story? So much to think about!

    • mellyteaches

      Exactly so. We look to numbers for clarity, and somehow they feel more concrete than qualitative or narrative data, and yet there’s more to wonder about than ever.

  2. Anonymous

    Celebrations & rumination about accreditation. Your plate sounds pretty full, but that may mean you’ll have plenty to more to slice about 🙂 Cheers to you on completing this first week of writing!

    • mellyteaches

      Plenty of opportunities for slicing (or dissecting, as the case may be)!

  3. Anonymous

    I have somehow missed whatever this release is, and I hope you will share with me! -Tracy

    • mellyteaches

      It’s MSIP6–I will fill you in on the details once I make sense of it myself!

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